Mona Kishnani Johnson
2 min readJan 7, 2021


What was the memorable part of your holidays? Looking from a child’s eyes…..

Who would know that Working From Home would provide invaluable insights?

When the pre-K teacher asked the children on a zoom call “What was the memorable part of your holidays?”, my daughter shared “Jumping in muddy puddles with my dad”. I was shocked. My husband and I had spent hundred of dollars to get her Santa gifts. Of all the gifts that she played with over the holidays, she remembered jumping in muddy puddles. She provided the details to her teacher and happiness echoed in her laughter. She described how her dad and she got soaking wet and had to come home to a warm shower. She later told me “Mom, you need to trust your heart and jump in muddy puddles. You water the surrounding plants when you splash water. You will feel good.” I was amazed at her convincing articulation.

My husband and I had an AHA moment….it is not the material gifts that are important. It is the experiences that make lasting impressions. We realized as parents how we got caught up in the rat race believing that we need to keep earning so that we can buy the best for our daughter satisfying her fleeting desires not fully being present to the everyday miracles of life. All she needs is our loving presence and essence — the best nourishment for her heart.

In her sweet innocent way, she got to our awareness what the true meaning of family is and how truly taking the time to connect can make for an enriching memorable experience. It is the memories of the experiences that provide emotional support in the school of life. This experience was invaluable in her sweet eyes and it cost nothing except being present to the moment and making a spontaneous decision to jump in the muddy puddles together.

Sometimes we get lost in mundane things and lose focus on what is truly important. Consciously awakened relationships are the closest thing to heaven that you can experience on earth. Mother Teresa said, “In this life we cannot always do great things. But we can do small things with great love.” Mother Teresa’s quote defines what the core essence of being in consciously awakened relationships is all about. My husband and I made a conscious decision to focus more on providing experiences to our daughter that she takes forward in her journey of life. Our daughter imparted the wisdom that Family is the greatest gift.

Cheers to all children and families in the world.

Ancora Imparo!

